LCSO Makes Arrest in Human Trafficking and Sexual Battery Investigation
LCSO Deputies Net Three Arrests in Weekend Burglaries
LCSO Deputies Arrest One in Stolen Truck Containing Handgun
LCSO Detention Facility Partners with MIT to Improve Re-entry Programs
LCSO Awarded Regional Law Enforcement Grant from Department of Justice
LCSO Detectives Arrest Two in Homicide Investigation
UPDATE - SILVER ALERT Issued for Missing 77-year-old Woman
SILVER ALERT Issued for Missing 77-year-old Woman
Two Arrested for Vehicle Burglaries; Locked Car Deters Second Burglary
LCSO Warns of Email Scams and Fraudulent Telephone Calls
Leon County Crime Down for Third Consecutive Year, No Longer Top in State
UPDATE - LCSO Takes Precautionary Measures after Vendor Tests Positive for COVID-19
LCSO Takes Precautionary Measures after Vendor Tests Positive for COVID-19
SPIDER Traffic Stop Results in Weapon Warrant Arrests
Doritos Help LCSO SPIDER Unit Take a Bite Out of Crime Gun and Drug Arrests
Burglary Investigation Leads Deputies to Gun and Drug Arrests
RTCC Leads Joint Auto Crimes Task Force to Arrest in Vehicle Burglaries
Traffic Stop Leads LCSO S.P.I.D.E.R. Unit to Weapon Arrest
LCSO S.P.I.D.E.R. Unit Nets Weapon, Drug Arrest on Traffic Stop
LCSO S.P.I.D.E.R. Unit Nabs Four in Stolen Vehicle Investigation